5-Minute Fall Door Decor

Simple, simple, simple.  That is my decorating motto these days.

Life is just so busy with two kids and all of their activities, that I just don’t have the time I used to have to spend decorating for each season.

This spring, I found a cute metal bucket at Hobby Lobby that I have changed twice already to suit each season.  The best part?  It only takes me a few minutes and costs just a few dollars to update.  You can see my spring version here and my summer version here.

I am in LOVE with this method of decorating my front door.

fall door decor | Lilacs & Longhorns

I re-use the same metal hanging bucket and two bunches of faux boxwood to serve as my base layer, and then I simply add a few bunches of seasonal faux flowers.

faux sunflowers |Lilacs & Longhorns

I don’t bother snipping each flower from the bunch, I just use the entire little bundle (the kind of flower bunch that costs about a dollar at craft stores) and poke them in to the boxwood and fluff until it looks just right.

faux fall florals | Lilacs & Longhorns

It seriously takes me about five minutes to get the entire thing done!

And, friends, this update cost me $4.

My initial investment in the bucket (about $15) and the faux boxwood (about $12) was money well spent. 

fall door basket filled with florals | Lilacs & Longhorns


Bring on Fall!

signature with flowers

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8 Responses to 5-Minute Fall Door Decor

  1. Marisa Franca @ All Our Way says:

    Really cute. I love the colorfulness of it and the simplicity!!

  2. Julie Grubbs says:

    I love everything about your decorating style. I too have been using a front door basket for the past couple years. I use red, pink or orange flower bouquets (from Hobby Lobby) to change through the seasons. So easy and great punch of color.

  3. Shirley@Housepitality Designs says:

    Very pretty Julie…Love the beautiful colors of the flowers…the container is so very versatile for every season…I need to get started on my Fall decor…

  4. Cindy says:

    Hi Julie,
    What a simple, cute idea! I, too, enjoy decorating for every season & will start decorating for fall today even though the temperature is still in the 90’s! I like your style & look forward to all your posts.

  5. Terri says:

    gorgeous!!! Love that container!!!!

  6. Rose says:

    Hi Julie ~
    There is that beautiful container again. Just love it.
    It reminders me to go looking for something similar ~

    Have a great Labor Day Weekend.

  7. Lanita says:

    Hi Julie,
    I really liked the spring and summer baskets, but I think the fall one might be my favorite! Looking forward to more fall posts.

  8. Kim says:

    Love the green bucket with those flowers!

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