Do You Hometalk? {10 of You Can Help Me Get to Lucketts!}

I have a confession to make.  I’m not very good at social media.  I don’t really get Twitter, I’m still confused by Google+ and I am not good about loading pictures to Instagram.


But, HELLO!  Have you ever checked out Hometalk?

Hometalk, according to their web site, is “the largest online home and garden knowledge hub.”  It’s a place where hundreds of thousands of home enthusiasts and professionals share firsthand experience and advice about projects they’re doing in and around their homes.  It’s full of eye candy, information and it is LOTS of fun!

This is what my page on Hometalk looks like:

The picture probably doesn’t tell you much so let me explain what’s so great about it.  

To me, Hometalk is a blend of Pinterest, Facebook, online forums and blogs all wrapped up in to one.  There are loads of pictures and great ideas about home and garden projects.  What’s not to love?

Wood pallet chair by Funky Junk Interiors

The site is full of inspiring projects, beautiful pictures and the opportunity to “meet” and get to know other people who are passionate about improving their homes and sharing their projects and knowledge.

Mason Jar Window Treatment – It All Started With Paint

I’ve seen everything from making a rain barrel out of re-purposed materials to installing bathroom tile to creating a beautiful table display.

Decorating With High Ceilings by Simone Designs

Sometimes people post pictures of completed projects and other times members ask questions in hopes of getting knowledgeable answers to perplexing problems.

Source link
It’s a great knowledge and eye candy exchange and I’m finding that I love the site more and more!

Just like Pinterest, you can “clip” photos and posts that you like.   For example, if I like this post on Hometalk…

I can clip it to a board I’ve created on my page.

But the posts are more informative than a single picture and a description.  The post might include 3 pictures or more, plus a tutorial or background information about the post.  And, other Hometalkers can comment and ask questions about each post.

You might have seen this little button on your favorite blogs and wondered about it.  

My Hometalk button has been on my sidebar for a couple of months now and I’m gaining followers almost every day.

I would love it if you would sign up for Hometalk (if you  haven’t already) and follow me!

I need 10 new Hometalk followers to be put into a drawing to win a trip to the Lucketts Spring Market on May 18.

That’s a crazy-busy weekend for me, but I will go sleep-deprived if I win because I would LOVE to go!!
Lucketts, in case you’ve never heard, is an amazing antique store that has a huge fair every spring with vendors who bring all kinds of great goodies like junk, antiques, etc.  Does that sound fun or what?!

So, PLEASE, PLEASE follow me on Hometalk and start browsing their site (you can click on the Hometalk icon on my right sidebar and then click “follow”).  It really is fun and I’m not just saying that because I want to win a free trip. :)  If you follow me on Hometalk, would you be so kind as to comment in the comments section below so I know who you are?  Thank you very much!

If you’ve never visited Hometalk before and would like to sign up, you can learn more at
There’s a little tutorial video that explains how to use the site and you can create an account right there.

If you’re ready to get started right away go here:

I hope to see you on Hometalk!

Due to stolen content I cannot provide a full RSS feed. I work hard to provide fresh, original content and, unfortunately, there are sites that like to steal from honest, hard-working bloggers. Thanks for understanding!
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  1. Laurie Ritchey says:

    Good luck, Julie! I’ll post this on my FB timeline. laurie


    Good Luck! xoxo

  3. Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads says:

    Hi Julie,
    I think this is my first visit to your blog and this is an awesome post about Hometalk. I cannot remember if I’m following you but I will click over and check. If not, I’ll definitely follow. I adore your social media icons on those pennants!

  4. Adrianne at Happy Hour Projects says:

    I’m following you now! Good luck and see you on Hometalk!!

  5. Laurie Dickson says:

    Good luck Julie!!! This contest is so exciting! I’ve followed!

  6. Amy Ellis says:

    From You’re newest follower, good luck, Julie! ~ Amy

  7. Sharon @ mrshinesclass says:

    Great post, Julie. Good luck!

  8. Wife, Mother, Gardener says:

    I joined Hometalk this spring as well! Looking forward to finding you there.
    ~Julie, PA

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